Purple cow books                          
The Benefits of Being the Cow

Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable Paperback – 27 January 2005


So it’s an interesting paradox. As the world gets more turbulent, more and more people seek safety. They want to
eliminate as much risk as they can from their businesses and their careers.

And most of the people mistakenly believe that the way to do that is to play it safe. To hide. So fewer and fewer people work to create a new Purple Cow. At the same time, the marketplace is getting faster and more fluid. Yes, we’re too busy to pay attention, but a portion of the population is more restless than ever. Some people are happy to switch their long distance service, their airline, their accounting firm – whatever it takes to get an edge. If the bank teller annoys you, well, there’s another bank right down the street. So while fewer people attempt to become the Cow, the rewards for being remarkable continue to increase! At work is the ability of a small portion of eager experimenters to influence the rest of us.


As the ability to be remarkable continues to demon state it sawed some value in the marketplace, the rewards that follow the Purple Cow increase. Whether you develop a new insurance policy, record a
hit record, or write a best-selling, groundbreaking book, the money, prestige, power, and satisfaction that follow are extraordinary. In exchange for taking the risk – the risk of failure or ridicule or unfulfilled dreams – the creator of the Purple Cow gets a huge upside when she gets it right. In just about every industry and just about every career, the creator of the Purple Cow receives huge benefits. Star football players get long-term contracts. The authors of a fluke best-seller like The Nanny Diaries managed to sign a million-dollar deal for a sequel, even though the new book can’t possibly be as successful. A hot agency easily signs up new clients on the basis of their success with their old clients. Same reason. Once you’ve managed to create something truly remarkable, the challenge is to do two things simultaneously 
Milk the Cow for everything it’s worth. Figure out how to extend it and profit from it for as long as possible. Create an environment where you are likely to invent a new Purple Cow in time to replace the first one when its benefits inevitably trail off. 

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Milk the Cow for everything it’s worth. Figure out how to extend it and profit from it for as long as possible. Create an environment where you are likely to invent a new Purple Cow in time to replace the first one when its benefits inevitably trail off. 

The creator of a Purple Cow enjoys the profits, the accolades, and the feeling of omniscience that comes with a success. None of those outcomes accompany a failed attempt at a new Cow. 

Of course, these are contradictory goals. The creator of a Purple Cow enjoys the profits, the accolades, and the feeling of omniscience that comes with a success. None of those outcomes accompany a failed attempt at a new Cow. Thus, the tempting thing to do is to coast. Take profits. Fail to reinvest. Take no chances because those “chances” seem to be opportunities to blow the very benefits you worked so hard to earn.

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